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NC pharma lobbyist, Mandatory vaccination bill, Pepsico-sponsored dietitian, Diet soda, Aspartame

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays. .. TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.
Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors! .. Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:  
  • RSB talks with Dr. Rashid Buttar about the failure of NC pharma lobbyists to pass a mandatory vaccination bill similar to California’s SB277, which would have eliminated religious exemption to vaccines for school. Why was the state containing the pharmaceutical research triangle unable to get it done? We’ll explain why progressive states are more likely to succumb to a medical police state mentality.

  • Do you know anyone who worships at the altar of the church of pharmaceutical mysticism? Then again, the NC board of dietetics (the same organization that went after a diabetic who overcame diabetes with nutrition) is still attempting to stifle free speech.  This time they want to prevent any nutrient information unapproved by their monopoly when it comes to sick children and the food they eat.

  • Would you trust a Pepsico-sponsored dietitian with your ailing child? Did you know that anxiety, depression may be triggered by stress-induced changes to gut bacteria? Bet your dietetics expert didn’t either.

  • What is diet soda’s worst fear? That you stop listening to dietitians, and that you find out how toxic aspartame and other artificial sweeteners really are!

      Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message. .. How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city? Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details. .. Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!) ..

Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Deaths of Holistic Doctors, Drug side effects,J unk Food, Myasthenia Gravis, Mercury Detoxification, Agent Orange, Vietnam vets, Formaldehyde

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • RSB talks with Dr. Rashid Buttar, about the mysteries surround the recent deaths of a number of holistically inclined doctors. Is this a desperate play by the minions of Big Pharma, or an unfortunate series of bizarre coincidences?


  • Do you know that there are numerous serious side effects occurring from drugs approved by government, yet they are not being reported to FDA within the allotted 15-day time period?


  • How does junk food damage your body in 9 days or less?


  • Our QOTD surrounds the reversal of Myasthenia gravis by mercury detoxification


  • Could there be links to Agent Orange in our Vietnam vets?


  • What dangers lurk in everyday products that contain formaldehyde?



Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Fraudulent Research, Generic Antibiotics, Juvenile Arthritis, Big Pharma, Prescribed Drugs, Leaky Gut Syndrome

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • First on the plate, researchers from the University of Montreal have now documented why fraudulent research is so easy to publish these days, as they discovered the flow of science in this modern age is largely controlled by just six corporate publishing groups. 
  • If we didn’t need another reason to avoid generic antibiotics like the plague, research has found that taking antibiotics may increase the risk that a child will develop juvenile arthritis. 
  • Speaking of fraudulent published studies, big pharma is holding nothing back as they continue their full court press of propaganda on the general public, with a recent study purporting that many American parents still have misconceptions about when their children should receive antibiotics and what the medications do. When will questioning prescribed drugs from known liars be considered the common sense approach!
  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will discuss the new highlight of leaky gut syndrome in the news, as time magazine does their best to paint alternative practitioners as the quacks, while in the same hand, recommending the very same protocols for suggestive treatment.


Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Zimbabwe, Mercury, Hoofnagle the Science Cat, NSAIDS, HPV vaccine, Salt, Allopathic Community

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • First on the butcher block of scrutiny and analysis is a major admission from the MSM, as the FDA adds heart attack and stroke warnings to non-aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
  • Next up, RSB & Dr. Buttar will break down the truth behind the HPV vaccine, and the importance behind the European Medicines Agency beginning a formal review of the shots and their safety.
  • In the recent episode of nutritional ignorance from the allopathic community, a study has outlined that diners consume more salt and cholesterol in sit-down restaurants than they do in fast-food joints.  Instead of salt and cholesterol, shouldn’t we be worrying about the high fructose corn syrup and GMO ingredients?
  • They say “the love of money is the root of all evil”. In Zimbabwe this is truer than ever, as the artificially depressed international gold market has given the incentive to local mining companies, to take short cuts and expose women & children to dangerous levels of mercury.
  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will also weigh in on truth in a new study which purports rough play is riskier than heading in soccer.
  • Lastly our feline super hero, Hoofnagle The Science Cat, has a new bill to introduce to the medical authoritarians out in California.




Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Vaccinations, Measles, Missing Doctors, Mammograms, Statins causing aggression in older women

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • Many this week have been alerted to vaccinate by the first North American measles death since 2003,  but was this death actually caused by lack of a vaccination?


  • The mysterious and ominous deaths of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, Dr. Bruce Hedendal, & Dr. Teresa Sievers, and the conversations beginning to circulate speculating the cause of their suspicious and untimely demises.


  •  Erin Elizabeth, of Health Nut News, has also dug up some further information, relevant to this discussion, as she highlights how 2 more doctors have gone missing.  Are these deaths simply unfortunate coincidences, or is there an active attempt to silence doctors who dare to speak the gospel of Health Freedom?


  • In other news, Mammograms are coming under fire, as a new study has found that wide spread breast screenings have not actually decreased the number of breast cancer deaths. 


  • In another damning study, Statins have been linked to aggression in older women.


  • Think SB277 was the end of the pharmaceutical companies power play? Well, the next step is here folks. Just when we thought vaccines were just for kids,  they’ll soon be coming after all adults to be fully immunized!



Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Tufts University Obesity Study, High blood pressure may mean lower risk of Alzheimer’s, country air could be good for us because it is slightly poisonous, and much more….

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • 1st up for RSB & Dr. Buttar is actually a promising study out of Tufts University which happily challenges Michelle Obama’s calorie counting philosophy toward beating obesity, as nutrition experts proclaim “research has shown that a diet rich in healthy fats can be better for people, particularly if those fats help offset consumption of foods containing high levels of salt, sugar and refined grains”.

  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will give their expert scrutiny on a finding from Brigham Young University researchers who have concluded that people genetically predisposed to have high blood pressure may be at lower risk of Alzheimer’s.

  •  The doctors will also chime in on the truth behind another study which purports that country air could be good for us, not because its free of pollution, but rather because its slightly poisonous!

  • RSB will also get Dr. Buttar’s take on Ron Paul’s recent liberty inspired blog, regarding Obamacare’s best allies being the courts, and the republican party.

  • To add to the day of ironic, common sense admission study analysis, Dr. Buttar will also weigh in on why researchers are finding diabetes rates falling in areas with healthy food, parks and gyms. 

  • Lastly RSB & Dr. Buttar will share which of Justice Antonin Scalia’s quotes they like best, regarding his now famous, Obamacare dissent.





Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


South Korea MERS outbreak, Marathons may lead to blood poisoning, Obamacare subsides, Doctors misdiagnosing zinc deficiencies

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • Out of South Korea, bystanders are being forced to wear masks in public as the MERS outbreak there has claimed 2 more lives.


  • A new study out of Australia has purported that “extreme exercising”, such as 24-hour ultra-marathons and multi-stage ultra-marathons run on consecutive days, may actually be leading to blood poisoning.


  • On the “government funded propaganda” side of the house a new poll conducted by Health Day News has proudly reported that only 1 in 5 want to actually see the unconstitutional Obamacare subsides eliminated.


  • Last on the chop block RSB & Dr. Buttar will chime in on a medical error out of Scotland which caught doctors misdiagnosing zinc deficiencies and actually inadvertently causing copper deficiencies in their treated patients.  Is this the type of socialized medicine we have to look forward to in our country?


Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


4 month old dies in Tennessee from vaccine, Tummy Aches, Brain directly connected to the immune system, FDA approves type 1 diabetes vaccine trial

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • Dr. Buttar will help facilitate the surgical strike into the world of vaccine debacle by shinning a spot light on a tragedy out of Tennessee, where not only did a 4 month old die after being jabbed with 7 vaccines, but the authorities serendipitously censored the autospy report!  Guess they wouldn’t qualify as a medical mafia if they didn’t attempt to cover up their crimes?


  • In psychology news, it turns out your tummy ache may actually be able to tell you more than simply an audible confirmation that last nights pairing of raw milk and Cheetos was a poor idea.


  • This ties directly into another conclusion which RSB and Dr. Buttar have suspected for years, that the brain is directly connected to the immune system.


  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will also share their thoughts on the FDA’s approval of a mid-stage trial of a vaccine to reverse type 1 diabetes.


  • Lastly RSB will pick Dr. Buttar’s brain in regard to the proposition that Cabbage may be more than a delicious soup ingredient in regard to competing with chemotherapy in the treatment of Cervical Cancer.




Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Brain Radiation, Childhood Cancer, Immunotherapy, Skin Cancer

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will put their collective knowledge to give us their expert take on an admission out of the Mayo Clinic that brain radiation may actually be more physically detrimental than the disease its being used to treat.
  • They will also be giving us their insight on the truth behind the efficacy and safety of Immunotherapy in regard to the treatment of skin cancer.
  • Lastly they will tackle an issue close to all of our hearts, the plague of child hood cancer.
  • Great news has arisen in a new study which shows the move to make cancer treatments gentler for children has paid a double dividend as more kids are surviving than ever before, and without the long-term complications that doomed many of their peers a generation ago.
  • Will the publishing of promising research like this continue to shake the dogmatic acceptance of radiological and chemical treatment protocols by oncologists and the scientific community?
  • Question of the Day:  My mother 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine in OAT test range is low and I read its ROS activity in cell. How she can increase ROS since her nitric oxide is also low and pyruvate is low.





Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity


Should vaccinations be forced?, Japanese Statin Scam;Cancer Epidemic, Salute to Veterans

by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar in Uncategorized


If you missed any of the Medical Rewind shows with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell, be sure to go to to listen to the show replays.
TO DOWNLOAD: Click on “DOWNLOAD MP3” in the player below.

Get ready to learn things not traditionally taught to medical doctors!


Some of the things you will hear Dr. Buttar and Robert talk about in this week’s show are:


  • Dr. Rashid Buttar joins RSB here on Memorial Day to discuss a question not often talked about on this day, what are the differences between revolution and war?
  • RSB & Dr. Buttar will also dissect a recent poll querying the public on the ominous question, “Should government force parents to vaccinate their children?
  •  We will also pick Dr. Buttar’s brain on the Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer
  • The breaking scandal regarding Former CDC director Julie Gerberding selling her previously hidden stock holding of 38,368 for $2.3 million
  • A study showing a possible looming skin cancer epidemic among the middle aged, and a possible answer to the age old question of “Why does our airline food taste like it came from a prison cafeteria?”.
  • Lastly today is set aside as a day to salute the veterans who laid their lives on the line and gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and ours. RSB would like to take a moment and share a message from a fellow patriot, Bob Livingston of Personal Liberty, to honor all those who fought to create and preserve our great nation throughout our history and continue to strive to keep this nation free.




Did you know about the FDA destroying supplement companies by claiming that their products are unapproved new drugs? Is there life after Trans-D Tropin? Click here to read a special message.

How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city?

Just get 50 or more of your friends together and contact to learn the details.


Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!)


Click HERE to learn more Facts on Toxicity
